President Trump held a Keep America Great Rally in Toledo, Ohio on 01/09/19. Watch via: FoxNews below.
No More Bullshit!!!
My bad, been working a lot lately. Great economy and all. I let this slide for a couple days. I have really been tuning the noise out, rather than sitting around listening to sound bytes. I believe I have a good understanding of what is going on otherwise, why feed the bullshit? Still MSM likes to bury shit, and I’d rather put that shit that the MSM doesn’t want you to see, available so you can see. So here, belated, is the report.
Source: (Last check this 404’d)
Source: Inspector General’s Report – Review of Four FISA Applications (In House Archive)
I have had Mortal Kombat 11 for awhile. I love it! Lot of fun, and reminds me of the old days. Gameplay is very fluid. There are a plenty of Towers, and Tower combinations to chose from, plus a variety of online multi-player game modes. Video below contains a short clip of Kitana gameplay:
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