Liddle Adam Schitt digs.
Did a little light digging, may very well add to this as/if more seems relevant. Joe Biden and his son Hunter, do indeed have ties with China, and hopefully even this light digging may point that out for you.
If Joe Biden says he’s never been to China. That’s bullshit. (August 18, 2011 ) (November 27, 2013) (December 05, 2013)
If Joe Biden says no ties, or skirts around questions, about his son and China. He’s also bullshitting.
A serious China problem. . .
Remember he’s Sleepy Creepy Full of Shit Uncle Joe Biden.
Thank you for still rocking it all these ages.
I remember where I was on that day. I was at work. We went into the office watching the coverage on the TV. The boss closed the shop, and sent us all home. In shock, is an understatement. My initial comment was “What in the fuck. . . “. I will never forget that day, nor have I forgotten the thirst for Justice. May that Justice be rightfully applied.
Days late on this post, busy with work. I browsed through the “news” the night of 9-11, and seen more concern over @POTUS’s comments on vaping rather than the 9-11 Ceremony. In fact on YouTube I had to apply filters and scroll for a bit just to find it. Pretty sad when vaping is more of a concern than remembering an event in our history of such magnitude. (Cough! Cough!) Lügenpresse! (Cough!)
So doing things a little differently today. Rather than make light of it like usual, or go down the worm hole of conspiracy/truth. I will honor our fallen Americans.
420 days to go. I enjoyed a dab for this when I seen it. Lets keep winning! Not going backwards. The party that cries racism, is the party of racists. Look for yourselves throughout history. CNN is a shithole, exposed more now than ever. They are still working overtime, sinking themselves, to try to soil a clean person. The media truly is the enemy of the people. Think for yourselves, research for yourselves. A simple question can open a vast understanding.
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