KAG 2020 Rally – Des Moines Iowa

President Trump held a Keep America Great rally Today in Des Moines, Iowa.  Watch via:  FoxNews below.


KAG 2020 Rally - Des Moines Iowa

KAG 2020 Rally – Wildwood New Jersey

President Trump held a Keep America Great rally in Wildwood, New Jersey today.  Watch in full via FoxNews.com


George Carlin – National Press Club 1999

I grew up watching and listening to George Carlin.  His way of words, and art of making you think, always left me spellbound.  I have read Brain Droppings, and have several of his skits nearly memorized.  He was always a little philosopher to me.   In browsing through the Tube, I came across an oldie from May 13, 1999, at the National Press Club.  He basically predicts the problem of political correctness, and seems to pinpoint the problems of Congress rather eloquently.  So for this reason I thought to share a little throwback Carlin.

Warren Vs Sanders

Rigged?  No shit Sherlock!  How long it take you to figure that one out?


KAG 2020 Rally – Milwaukee Wisconsin

President Trump held a Keep America Great rally 01/14/2019 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Watch below via:  FoxNews.


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